GPA Calculator

Add courses and years as needed and then press submit when you are done! You’ll be able to email yourself a copy of the results.

Pass/Fail courses are not included in the calculation of a student’s overall GPA

*Although our calculator is modeled off of the OMSAS GPA scale, it is in no way affiliated with OMSAS itself or the University of Windsor. This calculator has been made entirely by the Pre-Medical Society and is owned by us.

*Each medical school may use a different GPA than calculated by OMSAS based on admission criteria. Please visit your Medical School of choice’s website to understand how each medical school uniquely calculates GPA of applicants.

All results of the UWin Pre-Medical Society GPA Calculator are completely anonymous. The University of Windsor will not store this data for GPA statistics, results are entirely private and will not be reviewed by any other students or faculty members. We value your privacy.